
Power Book IV: Force’s Serbian Twin Murders Gloria Instead Of Vic Flynn & Claudia Flynn Slowly Earning Her Death


At the end of episode six of Power Book IV: Force, Walter Flynn bodied three Serbs after discovering that he attempted to hit his son Vic Flynn. In retaliation, the elder Flynn walked into a restaurant and murdered three of Rodovan Mirkovic’s men.

Of course, the news got back to Mirkovic, and the Serbian twin Egan killed during episode four crashed into Vic’s car after he was paid a visit by Uncle Paulie told him that Tommy Egan had a meeting with his father. Walter asked Egan to join the Flynn family operation. He got into a shootout with Mirkovic and told Gloria to duck back to Vic. However, he survived the gunshots hitting his car window, but she wasn’t so lucky and was hit and passed away.

After meeting with Walter Flynn and telling him to go f*** himself, Egan visited Vic and told him to take Gloria before her death and get out of Chicago. Egan gave the younger Flynn an untraceable career to get out of town. Unfortunately, he elected to use his career, which is how Mirkovic’ was able to hunt him down.

Meanwhile, Vic’s sister is starting to earn her death by going off-script in episode seven, and she decides to send a message to her brother by having one of her carriers go after her brother. Later, when Liliana tips off Tommy, Claudia is working an angle involving Vic. First, he gave Liliana orders to find out where they would be, and it turned out it was a club. Later, after Egan left, he caught up with Claudia and asked her does want to mess all this up, trying to flex. Finally, he said if he had to guess her second guess, the whole operation would disappear. She replied It wouldn’t happen again.

During episode eight, Tommy Egan shared with Claudia that Diamond was his guy, but there was a civil war within CBI between him and his brother Jenard Sampson. Egan clarified that he would bring Diamond in after they figured that out. Unfortunately, Claudia visited Diamond and tried to offer him a side deal of ten percent, but he declined because he knew she had partners. Meaning she was doing things behind their back. Tommy also shared that he’s not on a power trip; he has a vision. Also, warning her again not to mess up what they have going here.

She is new to the game, and Tommy is a seasoned vet and is very calculated with the moves he is making, while Claudia is desperate to get out of her father and brother’s shadow and moving sloppy. Tommy had learned since he made mistakes running interference when Ghost had things mapped out in the original series of Power. Now, Claudia is his former self in this situation, which could leave her open as a liability more than an asset, and that could lead to her earning her death sooner than later.

Watch Power Book IV: Ghost on Sunday nights at 8 pm EST on Starz.

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Written by Landon Buford

Power Book IV: Force Kate Egan Returns To Power Universe

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