
House from L.E. Drops Debut Single “No Time for Playing Games”

House from L.E., a studio project of two Leipzig natives, has released its debut single, “No Time for Playing Games,” under the FVYDID label. The track is a funky anthem poised to take the dancefloor by storm with its infectious grooves and irresistible energy.

House from L.E. has returned after almost two decades with a fresh perspective on the scene. Their knack for crafting feel-good tunes that transport listeners to sun-kissed beaches, vibrant clubs, or breezy terraces is evident in this release.

As former trance and techno artists under the alias Beatz from L.E., House from L.E.’s musical journey is rich with diverse influences and experiences. The buoyant rhythm and captivating vocals of “No Time for Playing Games” indicate their ability to create tracks that instantly elevate the mood and get people moving.

The release of “No Time for Playing Games” marks House from L.E.’s resurgence, and their impact is sure to resonate far beyond the confines of their studio setup. As summer approaches, this track is a must-have addition to every playlist, promising endless moments of euphoria and pure, unadulterated fun.

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Written by LandonBuford Staff

The official music writer on Landon Buford.

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