
Shane Johnson Reveals What It’s Like Working With Method Man On Power Book II Ghost

Courtesy of Starz

On Tuesday evening Courtney Kemp was on Instagram Live for her weekly recap for the latest episode of Power Book II Ghost. This week, She had Shane Johnson, who plays Cooper Saxe, on the show as a guest.

During the Live, the two discussed various topics, including what does Saxe think about Tariq St. Patrick and his thoughts about the relationship with Jenny Sullivan.

Kemp also asked Johnson to share a fun behind-the-scenes story that happened while on Power [Book II Ghost].

“First of all, we laugh a lot, and Method is always, and here is something that’s pretty funny for the rest of the cast too. Method [Man] will come into these courtroom scenes between takes. He will start rapping, spitting rhythms while he is working on material, and you just have to sit there and listen, and you are not quite sure how to respond. I’m like, is this off the cuff, is this something written, are you working it out, are you looking for a response. So, we are sitting around smiling while he is rapping for like 50 people. I wish I could record it, I think that would be inappropriate, but it feels like you are getting an impromptu concert with Method Man. So, that’s fun.”

He added, “The background artists are just beaming and they are probably also sneaking their phones out and he is just spitting rhymes. And of course, I’m not going to battle with him. I got no skills.”

On the show, Method Man plays the character Davis Maclean, who is a Criminal Defense Attorney along with Cooper Saxe, and their main goal this season is to help Tariq St Patrick out of jail for a double murder charge.

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Written by Landon Buford

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