
TuneGO® Inc.Introduces New Song Review Service

Photo Credit -Tune Go

TuneGO® Inc., a music platform that interfaces autonomous specialists with a worldwide community of music fans and industry experts, is presently advertising a tune audit benefit. TuneGO Tune Audits are accessible in three bundles Gold, Platinum, and Jewel, and offer craftsmen knowledge from up to 200 music fans, and alternatives for evaluations on where a tune positions in a music sort, its advertising potential and the probability of chart victory. Amid the month of Walk as it were, the Jewel melody audit, which incorporates a comparison to 100,000 major name discharges in the song’s sort, comes with a free Muzen radio ($90 esteem), a retro radio and Bluetooth speaker that won the 2017 CES Innovation Award.

“Writing and producing music is a very personal endeavor and many artists are unsure as to the quality and the universal appeal of their work. Having access to song reviews is an invaluable tool for a musician as it gives them guidance in what’s working or what’s not so they can continue to perfect their song,” said John Kohl, co-founder, and CEO of TuneGO. “In the past, this kind of feedback has only been available to artists working with big record labels. We knew offering this service direct to artists could make their journey easier. That is what we’re all about: finding ways to level the playing field for artists and provide new pathways to success.”

For a constrained time, Melody Audit bundles give Reward TuneGO Fuel, which an artist can utilize to open select career-advancing openings such as Virtual A&R Surveys, radio airplay accommodation, adjust authorizing openings, music surveys and one-on-one coaching from incredible music makers, persuasive A&R officials and indeed presentations to record names. Craftsmen have three Tune Audit bundles to select from:

Gold Rating Service – $19.99 – This package provides song reviews from 30 people, so artists can see how their song connects with a diverse group of music fans. In this package, artists can unlock a virtual A&R review with Bonus TuneGO Fuel.

Platinum Rating Service – $49.99 – This package includes Gold Rating service and provides song reviews from 75 people. Artists will also learn where the song ranks in its music genre, and can use their Bonus TuneGO Fuel to unlock radio airplay and sync licensing opportunities to have the song featured in TV, movies, video games and more.

Diamond Rating Service – $139.99 – This package includes Gold and Platinum rating services and provides song reviews from 200 people. It also includes a comparison to 100,000 major label releases in the song’s genre to gain insight on the song’s market potential and the likelihood of chart success. If the song gets a high rating the artist can use their Bonus TuneGO Fuel to qualify to connect with legendary producers, A&R executives and record labels.

About TuneGO® Inc.
TuneGO® Inc. is a music platform and interactive community that connects music artists with a global community of fans and industry professionals. TuneGO helps independent artists build their fan base and grow as artists through personalized career development tools. TuneGO provides artists with access to career-advancing opportunities including virtual A&R services, sync licensing deals, radio airplay, connections with the world’s most accomplished music producers and influential A&R executives, introductions to music labels and more. TuneGO has established partnerships and relationships with many of the world’s leading music and entertainment companies. For more information, visit, or contact TuneGO at [email protected]. TuneGO is a free download in the app store.

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Written by Landon Buford

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