
The Sal Boselli And The Italians Cuts Kenya Pierce’s Water Off Trying To Kill Raquel Thomas

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In episode, ten of Raising Kanan, Kenya was shot by the Italians as they aimed for Raquel Thomas. After Marvin Thomas hired Sal Boselli son Marco to kill Toni Deep and he ended up getting killed by Dominic and Sal Bosseli sent Jimmy to kill Marvin, but they killed his therapist, Renée Timmons instead.

Then a war started between both families. Boselli sent his men into the projects to take out Raq’s network. The Italians would kill a lot of their soldiers and even shoot Marvin, but we can get away from them momentarily. They would kill Raq’s men in first of her house, and Kenya Pierce, played by LeToya Luckett and Jukebox’s mom approached Raq but found herself at the wrong place at the wrong time.

Earlier in the series backdown, Movie Bot predicted that Kenya would be on of the death this season.

The Italian is still trying to kill Raq, but Unique saves her life, and then Kanan and Malcolm Howard arrive right after Unique saved Kanan’s mother’s life.

What do you think?

Written by Landon Buford

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