
O’Thrty Trippy Drops Powerful Tribute to Late Girlfriend in Latest Single “Locum Meum”

O’Thrty Trippy, the rising hip-hop artist, has released a poignant tribute to his late girlfriend in his latest single, “Locum Meum.” The track is a part of his latest mixtape, which he dedicated to the memory of his beloved partner.

The song is a heartfelt reflection of the rapper’s grief and struggles to come to terms with the tragic loss of his girlfriend. O’Thrty Trippy’s soulful and emotive lyrics evoke a sense of deep pain and longing as he searches for his place in the world without his partner.

“Locum Meum” is a moving and powerful tribute that showcases O’Thrty Trippy’s talent as a rapper and his ability to connect with his audience personally. The track is a reminder that music can be a source of healing and comfort during difficult times.

The song “Locum Meum” is a must-listen for anyone who appreciates honest, heartfelt music that speaks to the soul.

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Written by LandonBuford Staff

The official music writer on Landon Buford.


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