
Globally Acclaimed Motivational Speaker Nick Laureano Touches on The Importance of Spreading Positivity

Courtesy of Nick Laureano

Published in partnership with the author; Charles Myambo

Life demands are becoming more and more complex with each passing day. The onset of more social media apps, technological changes, worldwide pandemics and a vast array of other developments have continued to alter the landscape of human existence. This is a fact of life that motivational speaker Nick Laureano knows all too well. He often highlights how human perceptions and expectations have become even more difficult to keep up with in the present day. In a nutshell, it has become increasingly more difficult to retain mental sanity nowadays in contrast to perhaps a decade ago. Depression and suicide cases have also experienced meteoric rises over the years. The knowledge of all this has pushed modern day heroes like Nick Laureano to spread as much positivity and reassurance as possible in a world filled with uncertainty and ambiguity.

Nick was quite a talented college basketball player. He had aspirations of becoming a pro baller while in college. It is also during the same time that he began to refine his craft as a motivational speaker. At the time, Nick found himself with a plethora of options that he could pursue as a profession. Despite the many options, it was glaringly obvious for Nick that his primary calling and passion was as a motivational speaker. Nick felt he had a dutiful obligation to society and the countless people who struggle emotionally everyday. As a result, Nick doubled down on his occupation as a motivational speaker. In the years that would follow, Nick Laureano and his positive content gained more and more public appeal. His words became like medicine to a maltitude of people worldwide suffering from emotional distress and anxiety.

Several local and international news/media outlets began to pick up on the powerful impact of Nick’s motivational content, which was all over Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and You Tube. As of today, Nick Laureano has been covered by several reputable outlets such as The Hype Magazine, This Is 50, Motimagz, E News, US Insider, New York Weekly, Ceo Weekly, The Chicago Journal, LA Wire, Us Reporter, Tribune and many more. The global media coverage on Nick and his brand “Only The Motivated” became instrumental in echoing Nick’s words of encouragement. He began to receive testimonies from several followers of his. Random people would comment on his posts or send him messages explaining how his words had given them fuel to live or continue fighting. Most of the videos that Nick makes today have an emphasis on self worth and self identity. This is especially important to the youths of today who have gotten caught up in the whirlwind of social media where people are primarily judged according to their looks, financial status and social status.

Before all the fame and as a young boy, Nick Laureano had already began feeling the inclination to inspire, motivate and empower those around him. This inherent desire to inspire is a product of Nick’s experiences. He had to overcome the stigma associated with being different. Early on in life, Nick identified that mental health issues were prevalent in society despite the limited conversations around such subjects. These mental health issues only became worse with the onset of the pandemic. People were losing jobs, life savings, college funds, defaulting on payments and filing for bankruptcy. Some people became severely depressed while others resorted to suicide. The need for some sort of hope became very evident. This led Nick to start hosting LIVE virtual events for free where he would spread messages of positivity to thousands of people. These live events were of paramount importance during the precipice of the pandemic. Nick looks forward to hosting seminars and more live events in person now that the world is opening back up. Filling out arenas and stadiums is definitely on the agenda for Nick now that global movement restrictions have been eased.

On any given day, just about anyone can have struggles with sanity and discouragement because of the various stresses associated with life. This reality of life only makes Nick’s mission to inspire and encourage all the more important.

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