
Dobak, the rising indie-pop artist, has recently released a new single titled “Good Ones.”

Dobak, the rising indie-pop artist, has recently released a new single titled “Good Ones,” and it’s a certified hit. With its catchy melody, groovy bassline, and Dobak’s smooth vocals, “Good Ones” will surely get stuck in your head. The song is an upbeat, feel-good track perfect for a summer drive or a weekend party.

Lyrically, “Good Ones” is about appreciating the people in your life who stick around through thick and thin. Dobak sings about the importance of holding onto the good ones and not taking them for granted. The message is relatable, heartfelt, and delivered with sincerity.

Overall, Dobak’s “Good Ones” is an excellent addition to any playlist and a testament to the artist’s talent and potential. With this single, Dobak has shown that they have what it takes to make it big in the industry, and we can’t wait to see what they come up with next.

Stream “good ones” on Spotify 

Connect with dobak: TikTok | Spotify | Instagram

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Written by LandonBuford Staff

The official music writer on Landon Buford.

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