
Artist (iv) and the Song “Patience”: Exploring the Complexity of Loveless Relationships

Brazil-based producer, songwriter, and singer (iv) capture the complexity of loveless relationships in his song “Patience.” The track explores the disconnect between two individuals who use each other for personal gain but struggle to find a genuine emotional connection.

The lyrics delve into the conflicting desire for love and fear of commitment, which results in the pursuit of meaningless physical entanglements. The moody and chill alternative hip-hop track features (iv)’s autotuned vocals, adding to the haunting and introspective atmosphere of the song. 

“Patience” is a reminder that relationships aren’t always easy, and sometimes the fear of vulnerability can lead to destructive behavior.

Overall, (iv) offers a refreshing take on the complexities of modern love and relationships, making “Patience” a standout track that is both relatable and thought-provoking.

CLICK HERE TO STREAM (iv)’s “Patience” on Spotify. 

CONNECT WITH (iv): Spotify

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Written by LandonBuford Staff

The official music writer on Landon Buford.

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