
The Heartmenders Transmitted An Active Single Track, “SOJU”

The Heartmenders are an exciting new collaboration of US-based hip-hop, rap, indie, and experimental music creators. Their debut single, “SOJU,” is a captivating blend of genres that showcases the group’s unique sound. Offering a highly-textured listening experience, the track moves between tempos, combining rousing rhythms with deep grooves and haunting melodies. Strikingly relevant in today’s musical landscape, The Heartmenders’SOJU” is a refreshing and exciting offering from the group.

CLICK HERE TO STREAM: The Heartmenders’s SOJU” on SoundCloud.

CONNECT WITH The Heartmenders:  Instagram | Spotify.

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Written by LandonBuford Staff

The official music writer on Landon Buford.

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