
Nate Amor shares a new single “Lose This Way”

Nate Amor’s “Lose This Way” is a beautiful display of art that you know is a hit as soon as you hear. When the song comes on you enjoy it as much as you can, because you know soon the world will know about this record. It delivers in every way to make sure the people get an experience of music, they will want to keep hearing and enjoy the vibes of the sound.

The artist name alone is stands out and makes you want to hear what he has to offer, once you hit play he gives you everything He brings a fresh approach to a sound that’s enjoyable for every second. The music sets the tone for the writing that is amazing in it’s story telling, as well as being relatable. To bring it all to life he brings a vocal performance filled with the right amount vulnerability to it, that makes the experience even more real for you on this one of a kind record.

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Written by LandonBuford Staff

The official music writer on Landon Buford.


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