
ZQNNEX’s latest single, “Notions” ft. makeoutcy, on complicated companionship

ZQNNEX’s latest single, “Notions” ft. makeoutcy, is a track that genuinely captures the essence of heartbreak and companionship. The song’s beat, produced by makeoutcy, combines a well-known flute sample with aggressive drums, creating a unique and chill sound. ZQNNEX’s lyrics speak to the pain of heartbreak and drug addiction while emphasizing the unbreakable bond between him and his friend Cy.

The song’s emotional weight is palpable, with ZQNNEX pouring his heart out about the pain of lost love and the struggles of addiction. The line “But without my lover, this whole life is looking hopeless” perfectly captures the song’s raw emotion. The chemistry between ZQNNEX and makeoutcy is undeniable, with their voices blending seamlessly to create a powerful track that leaves a lasting impression.

The track “Notions” is a poignant and moving song that speaks to the heart of human emotion. It’s a great addition to ZQNNEX’s growing discography and will surely be a hit with aesthetic rap and passionate hip-hop fans.

What do you think?

Written by LandonBuford Staff

The official music writer on Landon Buford.

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