
Velavox’s Latest Single ‘Chaos’ Captures the Turbulent Realities of Life

Vancouver-based alternative music duo Velavox has released their latest single, “Chaos,” a captivating and emotive track that perfectly captures life’s unpredictable nature. The song tells a powerful story of surrendering to the unexpected, including deaths, illnesses, and other life-altering moments.

With haunting vocals from Nicole Gibson, backed by Chris Kelly’s electrifying synths and guitar riffs, “Chaos” delivers a poignant message about accepting life’s twists and turns. The track’s lyrics vividly depict the tumultuous emotions and turmoil of facing the unknown.

Velavox’s unique blend of alternative, electronic, and rock music creates an immersive soundscape that draws listeners in and keeps them hooked until the final note. “Chaos” is a must-listen for anyone who has experienced the turbulence of life and come out the other side.

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Written by LandonBuford Staff

The official music writer on Landon Buford.


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