
Top Jobs in Business Technology

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It’s not hard to see why the business technology industry is booming. As businesses continue to expand, so does the need for qualified professionals who love the field and are looking for employment. In this post, we’ll go over some of the top jobs in business tech, how they differ, and what you need to know before you apply.

Educational Requirements

Tech is a highly specialized field, so possessing the right skills is a must. Even if you’re self-taught, you still need a degree to land a higher-level position. If you already hold a BA, you may want to pursue your master’s. Either way, you need a way to cover the cost of attendance. If you’re not eligible for a scholarship, you could apply for a student loan. In most cases, these types of loans can be tailored specifically towards your financial needs. You can borrow just enough to pay the tuition, or you can increase the amount if you need to buy other items to enhance the learning experience. Keep in mind that all of the following roles do offer you the chance to teach others what you know once you become established in the field.

Business Systems Analyst

Now that you know what and how to get the education you need, it’s time to get into the jobs you can get. Starting off, we have a business systems analyst. In this job, your role is to assess, analyze and figure out solutions to a business’s problems. Even the most successful businesses are going to have a few issues with some of them being more difficult to discern. Another role involved with this job is constructing various systems to help meet the company’s needs. You’ll also be working alongside a team of other professionals to maximize efficiency and complete projects in a timely manner.

IT Consultant

IT consultants are those who advise companies on the technology they should implement into their practices. Their job also involves technical writing, giving professional consulting services, and even help with the installation of technology and programs. IT consultants are also a part of the team for the aforementioned business systems analyst in industrial and commercial sectors.

UX Designer

Whenever you click on a website, what immediately comes to mind? You think about how the website looks, its layout, how it functions and how fast it loads. The person responsible for all this is a UX designer. UX designers are those who plan, build, and test the capabilities of a program, software, application, or website. With the how much the tech industry and internet has evolved over the years, this is one of those careers that has seen a lot more demand.

Database Administrator

A database administrator is someone who’s in charge of managing databases and ensuring the data stored within them is kept safe from harm. As simple as the job sounds, there’s actually a lot involved with the process. You must keep a keen eye on everything almost 24/7. You must also have prior experience through your BA and certifications from platforms such as Microsoft and Oracle.

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