
(Lunacy.) Delivered An Emotional Single Track, “Faded Than a Hoe”

“Faded Than a Hoe” by the artist (lunacy.) is a melancholic yet chill track that explores the artist’s struggles with mental health. The Belgium-based artist, who identifies as an emo hip-hop and cloud-hop musician, infuses autotune and alternative hip-hop elements into the song.

The song’s lyrics reflect the artist’s emotional state, describing feeling “faded” or lost. Despite its somber mood, “Faded Than a Hoe” also features energetic and chill vibes that capture mental health’s complex and multifaceted nature.

(lunacy.)’s unique sound and approach to music have earned them a dedicated fanbase and critical acclaim. “Faded Than a Hoe” is a powerful example of how music can be used to express one’s struggles and bring awareness to mental health issues.

CLICK HERE TO STREAM (Lunacy.)’s “Faded Than a Hoe” on SoundCloud. 

CONNECT WITH (Lunacy.): Instagram

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Written by LandonBuford Staff

The official music writer on Landon Buford.

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