
Jimmy ValenTime Conveyed A Dynamic Single Track, “Invincible (Remix)”

Jimmy ValenTime‘s “Invincible (Remix)” is a hard-hitting track perfect for tough times. As a fixture of the New York City Underground scene, Jimmy has been featured on NBC and, and has received over 53,000 plays on Spotify alone.

The track features Jimmy‘s signature gritty and powerful flow, with lyrics that speak to the struggles of everyday life. With its booming beats and catchy chorus, “Invincible (Remix)” is a song that will stay in your head long after the last note fades away.

Born and raised in the South Bronx to a Latino mother and a European father, Jimmy ValenTime captures the essence of working-class native New Yorkers. His music reflects the hard work and dedication of making it in a city that never sleeps.

Overall, “Invincible (Remix)” is a must-listen for anyone who loves raw and authentic hip hop. Jimmy ValenTime is a rising star in the industry, and we can’t wait to see where his talent takes him next.

CLICK HERE TO STREAM Jimmy ValenTime’s NEW SINGLE: “Invincible (Remix)

CONNECT WITH Jimmy ValenTimeInstagram | Spotify | SoundCloud | Tik Tok.

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Written by LandonBuford Staff

The official music writer on Landon Buford.

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