
Raising Kanan’s Marvin Thomas Cancels Christmas On Sam


In episode nine of Raising Kanan, Raquel Thomas gave Marvin Thomas the order to cut Sam the crackhead’s water off.

Instead, Marvin first elected to give him some money and a bus ticket to Atlanta and warned if he was caught in him New York again, he would kill himself. Unfortunately, Sam never made it to Atlanta. Instead, he told the business driver to stop the bus and let him off.

At the beginning of episode ten, Marvin is a man of his word and kills Sam and another crackhead after Sam shares that he used to be an accountant downtown. Of course detective Shannon Burke came looking for Sam stop by a crack house and one of the crackhead pointed her in the right direction.

After Burke stepped on Sam once he has yelling about having information on who shot detective Malcolm Howard. Following Howard saw his partner talking to the crackhead outside the police station after he was released from jail. He immediately went to Raq and shared the information to protect his son Kanan.

Later, Burke and Howard arrived on the scene to find Sam dead and another crackhead. She shared that he had information on his shooting, and he replied he had said that before and it was not reliable. Then she asked was the killing connected to his shooting, and he curved the question by saying he was a crackhead.

What do you think?

Written by Landon Buford

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